Webinar recording: Durham Collaborative Framework

September 20, 2016

This is the third webinar in the INTERVENTIONS IN PRACTICE webinar series, highlighting evidence-informed interventions implemented as part of the Systems Improvement through Service Collaboratives (SISC) initiative.

In this webinar, participants:

  • learned how the Durham community reached the shared goal of developing a collaborative planning process for youth and families that embraced the principles of holistic care, strength-based planning, youth involvement and equity;
  • heard how the principles of early and frequent service provider, youth and family engagement, co-development, train-the-trainer, shared oversight and organizational champions allowed for a more community owned implementation process and robust sustainability plan; and
  • heard from Durham Region leaders about the lessons learned about implementing and sustaining a collaborative planning process; the challenges, the successes, the impacts and planning for the future in an ever-changing service landscape.

Target audience:

  • Agencies and partners supporting youth and families with mental health and/or addiction needs
  • Mental health and addiction agencies, and those looking to develop multi-sector collaborative planning processes
  • Stakeholders and partners with an interest in the Systems Improvement through Service Collaboratives (SISC) initiative.


Cherie Banbury, Co-Chair of the DCFW Network of Champions, Assistant Probation Manager Youth Justice Services East Region

Jill Davidson, Co-Chair of the DCFW Network of Champions, Clinical Supervisor Frontenac Youth Services

Jonathan Berges, Regional Implementation Coach, Provincial System Support Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Event Details:

  • March 14, 2025, 9:26 am - 9:26 am


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